Your gift will make a difference

One of the most thoughtful and significant ways to leave a lasting legacy is through a Gift in Will to Albury Wodonga Health.

Your gift will mean that the sickest and most vulnerable people - babies, children and adults, have access to the care they need. You can choose to leave a gift for general purposes, meaning we will direct the funds to where they are needed most. Alternatively, you can leave your gift for a specific purpose, department or cause that is close to your heart.

Preparing Your Will

  1. Consider if you would like to leave a Gift in Will to Albury Wodonga Health.
  2. Consider letting your family and loved ones know you are leaving a Gift in your Will, this is a personal decision but one we recommend, so they also know of your decision.
  3. Contact your solicitor or other Will maker to prepare your Will. They will guide you on how to leave a percentage or amount of your estate to Albury Wodonga Health.

If you would like to let us know that you have left us a Gift in your Will or would like to discuss your estate plans, please call Albury Wodonga Health Foundation Manager on 0456 824 630.