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Albury Wodonga Health Research Office is responsible for the governance of research projects at Albury Wodonga Health, as well as the oversight of the Albury Wodonga Health Human Research Ethics Committee (AWHHREC).

Our Research Office is committed to building research capacity in the region in collaboration with tertiary education institutions. Collaborations include partnerships with Charles Sturt University, La Trobe University and University of New South Wales.

Albury Wodonga Health works with our partners to provide opportunities for staff to build their knowledge, skills and confidence in research and work with other health services to facilitate ethical consideration of their own research projects through the AWHHREC. For a full account of our recent research activities, please review Research Report 2021-22

See also our webpage on the inaugural Regional Research Symposium, held in October 2023 at the Cube, Wodonga, in collaboration with UNSW Rural Clinical Campus, Albury.

Please contact the Research Office about your proposed research project. All research, both single-site and multi-site, needs to be approved by our Research Governance Officer (RGO) before proceeding through to Ethics: research@awh.org.au

Albury Wodonga Health Human Research Ethics Committee

The Albury Wodonga Health Human Research Ethics Committee (AWHHREC) operates under the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023. The AWHHREC's primary role is to protect the welfare and the rights of participants in research.

The AWHHREC considers clinical research projects or any research project involving humans at the campuses of Albury Wodonga Health. The AWHHREC may review projects from other health services in the Albury Wodonga (and wider) region. Please get in touch to find out more: at ethics@awh.org.au

If you are unsure if your project is Low Risk or requires a full Human Research Ethics Application Form (HREA), contact our Research Office: at research@awh.org.au

Project submission due dates

Research Office review

To ensure that research protocols and associated documents are of a high standard before being submitted to the AWHHREC, a pre-ethical review of projects will be undertaken by the Research Office. Research Office staff have research experience and can assist with protocol development. 

Draft protocols for new projects can be submitted to the Research Office one month before the AWH Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) meeting date. This allows time for the Research Office to review the protocol and associated documents to ensure they are ready for ethical review. After review by the Research Office, researchers will be guided through submission to the AWHHREC on ERM. 

2024 Project Submission Due Dates

New project due before/on

With draft protocol

Submission to AWHHREC due on ERM

New projects, amendments and reports

AWHHREC meeting date

You will be invited to attend

Wed 1st May

Wed 22nd May

Wed 5th Jun 2024

Wed 3rd Jul

Wed 24 Jul

Wed 7th Aug 2024

Wed 28th Aug

Wed 18th Sept

Wed 2nd Oct 2024

Wed 2nd Oct

Wed 23rd Oct

Wed 6th Nov (Optional Meeting)

Wed 30th Oct

Wed 20th Nov

Wed 4th Dec 2024

ERM Resources

Researchers need to submit their application through ERM. Refer to the Applicant User Guide to ERM or visit the Clinical Trials and Research website for guidance.