Domestic and Family Violence Support


Albury Wodonga Health is commited to preventing domestic and family violence and are taking significant steps to adress these issues within the community. 

We can make a major difference to the lives of all who are impacted by family and domestic violence by responding with belief and empathy to their experiences of violence. 

What is Domestic and Family Violence?

Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) includes any behaviour in an intimate or family relationship, which is violent, threatening, coercive or controlling, causing a person to live in fear and to be made to do things against their will.

What types of relationships does DFV occur in?

Intimate relationships

An intimate relationship refers to people who are (or have been) in an intimate partnership whether or not the relationship involves or has involved a sexual relationship.

Family relationships

A family relationship has a broader definition and includes people who are related to one another through blood, marriage or de facto partnerships, adoption and fostering relationships, sibling and extended family relationships.

Support Services Avaliable

The below services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

  • 1800 RESPECT

    PH 1800 737 732 I Home | 1800RESPECT

  • 1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.
  • If you or someone you know is experiencing, or at risk of experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence, you can call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732, chat online via our website or text 0458 737 732
  • In an emergency, call 000.

InTouch Multicultural DV service 

1800 755 988 I Home - inTouch

InTouch provides services, programs and responses to family violence in migrant and refugee communities. 

The below services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The NSW Domestic Violence Line provides counselling and referrals to women experiencing domestic and family violence.

Caseworkers on the Domestic Violence Line can help you:

  • Get hospital care, counselling and family support services.
  • Understand what an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) is and how to get one.
  • Develop a safety plan for you and your children.
  • Find emergency accommodation for you and your children.
  • Help you with transport for you and your children.
  • Talk to the police, courts and lawyers.

The below services operate within business hours - Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 5: 00 pm 

    Centralised Intake, case-management, safety planning and referrals for people experiencing Domestic and Family    Violence (DFV).


  • Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS)

    PH 02 6962 3893 I Women's Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services - Linking Communities Network (

    Local co-ordination point, DFV risk assessment and safety planning, assistance with obtaining Apprehended Violence     Orders (AVO).


  • The Women’s Centre for Health and Wellbeing

    PH 02 60215773 I The Women’s Centre for Health and Wellbeing – A place for all Women (

    A range of services available to support the health and wellbeing of women in our local community.

The below services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

  • Safe Steps

    PH 1800 015 188 I Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre - 24/7 support for Victorians

    Safe Steps is Victoria’s 24/7 Family Violence Response Centre. We help women and children to escape family violence     and live free from abuse.

The below services operate within business hours - Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 5: 00 pm 

We can help if:

  • Someone is making you feel afraid or unsafe such as your partner, ex-partner, family member or carer. 
  • If you have experienced family violence, including controlling behaviour like someone monitoring where you go, who you visit or how you spend money.

The below services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

  • Yarning Safe N Strong 

    PH 1800 959 563 I Yarning SafeNStrong | VAHS        
    Facebook @YarningSafenStrong

  • Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS) have established a free and confidential counselling service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Yarning SafeNStrong (YSNS) is available to people and families who need to have a yarn with someone about their wellbeing.
  • We have culturally suitable counsellors you can yarn safely with ‘who get it’, no matter how big or small the challenge.