Corporate Policies

AWH aims to lead and foster a culture of safety and high quality care through continuous quality improvement across all its services.

The following are AWH policies and procedures that shape the principles by which we conduct ourselves in the organisation and how we delivery safe and high quality care.

Albury Wodonga Health is committed to providing a safe environment for all children and young people who come to our health service. We are dedicated to ensuring that you feel safe, valued and heard.  

If you feel unsafe, uncomfortable or hurt please speak up and let someone know.

You have a right to:

  • Be safe and feel safe from all forms of harm wherever you are in our health service at all times
  • Be listened to and raise any safety concerns you have at anytime
  • Be provided with information that is easy to read and understand about raising a complaint and a safety concern
  • Be treated with respect and dignity at all times
  • Express your views and have your say in decisions impacting you and your health care
  • Trust the adults around you and be comfortable with the health care being provided

Albury Wodonga Health has both legal and ethical obligations to contact authorities when concerned about a child’s safety. All allegations and safety concerns are treated seriously and consistently with state laws and legislative obligations.

Albury Wodonga Health recognises, values and embraces the diversity of our staff, volunteers and community, including children and young people. We aim to promote cultural safety, participation and empowerment of;

  • Aboriginal children and young people,
  • Culturally and linguistically diverse children and young people
  • Children and young people who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community

To support children and young people, Albury Wodonga Health understands the importance of having:

  • Robust human resources and recruitment processes
  • Opportunities for training and education for staff and volunteers
  • Policies and procedures that provide guidance around child safety requirements

Albury Wodonga Health provides its gifts, benefits and hospitality register in accordance with the Victorian Public Sector Commission’s guidelines.

For more information go to Reports and Publications